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Merchandise can be bought by contacting us via email.
Merchandise is also sold at the choir’s stand at ISYY’s events.
Some of our albums are sold by Levy-Eskot.

Joy fabric bag

Joy patch




Kuha-Meemi patch

Lunta (2015)
Joy-choir brings the holiday spirit with a mix of cheery, devout, traditional, and modern music.
Lunta is Joy-choir’s second Christmas themed album and its track list is based on 2014 Christmas concert. Back then the choir sung alongside traditional Finnish Christmas songs compositions by John Rutter, an integral part of English Christmas traditions. To balance out the traditional the album has Kalle Ruusukallio’s composition specifically made for Joy-choir ‘Lunta’ and Christmas song ‘Enkeli’, heard first time as a choral arrangement.
- Joulukirkkoon
- Star Carol
- Tonttujen jouluyö
- Tonttu
- En etsi valtaa, loistoa
- Nyt seimelle pienoisen lapsen
- Enkeli
- Taivas sylissäni
- Angel’s Carol
- That’s Christmas to me
- Shepherd’s Pipe Carol
- Lunta
- Follow That Star
- Dormi, Jesu
- Heinillä härkien kaukalon
- Olen löytänyt sen
- Maa on niin kaunis

Vie mua (2014)
The album consists of Northern Carelian rock and pop music groups’ songs arranged into a cappella form.
Vie mua was recorded in spring 2013 in Rantakylä church. Songs were first rehearsed in autumn 2011. Arranger Krzysztof Dobosiewicz created for us quite a challenge with complex rhythms and melodies. Hundreds of hours of practice, various singing camps, and three concerts finally culminated into recorded form.
The album features songs from groups 51 koodia, Happoradio, Ismo Alanko Säätiö, Neljä Ruusua, Nightwish, and Stella. The album’s production was handled by Karelia University of Applied Sciences, recording, editing, and mixing by Henri Heikkilä, recording direction by Juha Linna, and the album’s artistic production by Janne Piipponen.
- Luotsivene
- Rakkaus on ruma sana
- Toivomus
- Hirsipuu
- Köyhärikas
- Häävalssi
- Uhrille
- Vie mua
- Puu
- Kylmäjärvi
- Eva

Rakkaudesta laulu (2009)
Rakkaudesta laulu is Joy-choirs third album. Its 15 songs are about love, longing, and courting. The songs are in Finnish, Swedish, and English. Four of the songs are arrangements by one of the choir’s tenors Olli Hurskainen. The album was recorded in Rantakylä church in March and April 2009.
- Whispers
- Metsänneito
- Romanssi
- Hyvää iltaa kultaseni
- Follow Me
- Sinua, sinua rakastan
- Tuuti tuuti
- Tein lasinkuultavan laulun
- Nocturne
- Kai muistat
- Kaipaava
- A Sailorman’s Hymn
- Rakkauden valssi
- Lady of the Snow
- Och jungfrun hon går i ringen

Joulun tähden (2001)
Joy-choir published in November 2001 its first Christmas album. The 19 tracks in the album were recorded well ahead, in May 2001.
Alongside the choir the album also has three tracks from men’s quartet Äänivyöry, comprised of former choir members.
- Hiljainen joululaulu
- Loistaa tähdet korkeat
- Joulurukous
- Jeesuslapsen joululahjat
- Maria, Herran piikanen
- Dies est laetitiae
- Psallat scholarium concio
- Personent hodie
- Kolme yötä jouluun
- Tule joulu kultainen
- Joulupuu on rakennettu
- Oi kuusipuu
- Kilisee, kilisee kulkunen
- Kuka tuo lapsi on
- Tähti tähdistä kirkkain
- Neitsyt Marian poika
- Kun joulupukki suukon sai
- Petteri Punakuono
- Porsaita äidin oomme kaikki
- Jouluyö juhlayö
- Joulun tähti
- Jouluyön hymni

Valkovilla (1996)
In spring 1995 Joy-choir performed in a play ‘Raivaajaeepos’, written by Seppo Lappalainen and composed by Carlos Sedano.
In the spring of 1996 Joy-choir was faced by a significant challenge. Inspired by the successful stage-play production, the choir alongside composer Carlos Sedano decided to record the play’s music. Intensive work produced the album Valkovilla.
The record features 22 songs performed by soloists, choir, and an orchestra.